属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 赛伦·曼纳 足球场上的圣人
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁吃了恐龙 What Ate Dinosaurs?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加勒个油 The New Grease?
1 | 他已经离开几星期了,我们最好立即把情况告诉他。 | He’s been away for several weeks, and we’d better put him in the picture at once. | |
2 | 图画里有一间带篱笆的小房子。 | There is a house with wattle fence in the picture | |
3 | 退地:用遮盖曝光或其他方法,使图片上的背境或某些项目,不再出现于复制上。 | Drop out: To expose by mask or other means so that the background or other item in the picture does not appear on the final result. | |
4 | 我不能肯定我们对情况是否已经完全了解,但能原原本本地告诉我们会上说了些什么吗? | I’m not sure that we’re quite in the picture . Can you tell us exactly what was said at the meeting | |
5 | 现代自行车的雏形只能从照片上看到了。 | The ancestor of the modern bicycle can only be seen in the picture . | |
6 | 想象一下向下滚动左图中的 Excel 工作表时的情形。 | Imagine scrolling down the Excel worksheet in the picture . | |
7 | 议员坚持要充分了解政府计画的详情. | Members of Parliament insisted on being put in the picture about the government’s plans. | |
8 | 有人认为,这个妇人就是墓主人的肖像 | Some people have suggested the woman in the picture was a portrayal of the one buried in the tomb | |
9 | 在电视中,用于控制画面亮度值的信号。 | In television,the signal used for controlling the luminance values in the picture . | |
10 | 在图中,你可以清晰地看到每一个细胞。 | In the picture , you can see clearly each cell. | |
11 | 在左图中,您可能很容易分辨出低于 15 的销量,但如果有很多行的话,想要一眼找出低于 15 的销售条目就 | It′s probably easy for you to spot the sale under 15 in the picture , but imagine that there are lots of other rows, in which case other under-15 entries could get lost in the rest of the data. | |
12 | 照片中的人物逐渐褪色。 | The figures in the picture had begun to fade away. | |
13 | 这幅画褐色太多了. | There is too much brown in the picture . | |
14 | 这幅画里有一些非常错误的思想。 | There are some very wrong ideas in the picture . | |
15 | 这幅画中的色彩不够. | There isn’t enough colour in the picture . | |
16 | 这画中黑色太多. | There is too much black in the picture . | |
17 | 这些车可能会和图片中见到的波音公司研发中心设计的概念飞车很相像。 | These could look much like the concept skycar shown in the picture , designed by Boeing research and development. | |
18 | 这样双方都能了解全面的情况。 | Thatll put us both in the picture . | |
19 | 这张照你妻子拍得不错。 | Your wife comes out well in the picture . | |
20 | 左图是冻结后的结果。标题与工作表数据由一条水平线分开,标题显示在第 10 行的上面。 | You can see the result in the picture . The titles, separated from the worksheet data by a horizontal line, are still visible over the top of row 10. | |
21 | ||1:30年过去了,情况发生了怎样的变化?有两点很突出。||2:首先,自两德统一以来,人们的行为发生了巨大的变化:有年幼子女的东德女性全职工作的比例1990年时为一半以上,而2018年则下降到不足三分之一。||3:德国有越来越多的女性从事兼职工作。||4:东西方差距依然存在。||5:东德全职妈妈的比例是西德的两倍多。||6:结果就是,东德女性的收入比男性少7%,而西德男女收入的差距是22%。||7:该报道认为,造成这些趋势的原因是政策和态度。 | ||1: Three decades on, how has the picture changed?Two things stand out. ||2: First, behaviour has changed drastically since unification: the share of eastern women with young children working full-time fell from over half in 1990 to just under a third in 2018. ||3: More women across Germany are working part-time. ||4: Second, east-west differences still exist. ||5: The share of eastern mums in full-time work is more than double that in the west. ||6: As a result, whereas women in the east earn 7% less than men, the gap in the west is 22%. ||7: The report argues that policy and attitudes together explain these trends. | |
22 | ||1:回忆是他的财富,他在晚年接受采访时这样说道。||2:他太热爱足球了,在他眼里足球的一点一滴都是好的;他有了足球心满意足。||3:不过他仍然后悔在奥运会上错失对法国队的点球,也后悔因为害怕再次失手而不敢面对第二次点球机会。||4:作为队长,心痛的还有看着印度退出1950年的巴西世界杯,因为印度足协对世界杯的重要性不以为然。||5:他也为印度在亚运会上也黯然失色感到遗憾。||6:但是他还是心存希望,希望有朝一日印度足球重整旗鼓。||7:当被问到是否信教时,他会微笑地说,不。||8:但是他会把迦梨女神(Goddess Kali)的照片妥帖地珍藏在衣袋里。 | ||1:Memories were his wealth, he told interviewers in his old age.||2:He so loved the game that almost all of them were good; he needed no more.||3:He still regretted missing the first penalty kick against France in the London Olympics, and turning down the chance of taking the second penalty because he was afraid of missing again.||4:It still rankled that India had not gone to the 1950 World Cup in Brazil, with him as captain, because the Indian Football Federation had not realised its importance.||5:He was sorry, too, that India was not even doing well in the Asian games.||6:But he lived in hope of a return of national footballing confidence.||7:No, he was not religious, he would say with a smile.||8:But he kept a picture of Goddess Kali, barefoot conqueror of demons, tucked away in his pocket. | |
23 | ||1:为了弄清这一问题,丹佛科罗拉多大学的马丁?洛克里以及新墨西哥州自然历史博物馆的斯派瑟?卢卡斯将目光转向世上最著名的化石现象之一——横穿科罗拉多、新墨西哥、堪萨斯、俄荷拉荷玛的恐龙公路。||2:于同一年代沿着一个内陆海海岸分布在数个地区,这一汇集恐龙踪迹的地区被认为是标出了一条古老的迁徙路线。||3:人们能区分出超过1380种不同动物的踪迹。||4:绝大部分是鸟脚亚目食草恐龙。||5:一些是小型食肉恐龙——正如庄姆海勒与博依德所确认的鳄鱼目动物那样,这些恐龙会截杀年幼离群的食草恐龙。||6:但洛克里与卢卡斯博士明白,图上遗漏了一些东西。||7:当他们寻找大型掠食恐龙的线索时,他们什么也没发现。 | ||1:To investigate that question, Martin Lockley at the University of Colorado, Denver, and Spencer Lucas of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, turned to one of the most famous fossil phenomena on the planet—the dinosaur freeway that runs through Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma.||2:This collection of tracks, scattered over several sites of the same age along the coast of an inland sea, is thought to mark an ancient migration route.||3:The traces of more than 1,380 individual animals can be distinguished.||4:Most, but not all, were ornithopods.||5:Some were small carnivorous dinosaurs—the sort that might pick off young stragglers in the way that the crocodilians identified by Ms Drumheller and Mr Boyd did.||6:But there is, Dr Lockley and Dr Lucas realised, something missing from the picture.||7:When they looked for traces of big predatory dinosaurs, they found none. | |
24 | ||1:在很多城市(尤其是伦敦,当地抗议者们响应了纽约的占领华尔街运动)抗议者们设立了营地,打算将抗议活动进行到底。其他一些城市的抗议者们则时来时去。||2:确定此轮抗议大潮的起源地是很困难的。||3:在一定程度上可以说是以色列,当地人民对于飞涨的食品,住房,教育价格怨声载道。||4:西班牙的indignados们,或者说愤怒者们的示威游行自五月份开始以来仍然没有减弱,他们也有自己的宣言。||5:但是世界各地抗议者们的招牌(并非所有抗议者们都喜欢这个词语)和纽约抗议活动的联系最为密切。||6:占领华尔街运动已经进入第二个月,其位于祖可蒂公园(抗议者们更喜欢自由公园这一旧称)的营地已经是旅游环形路线上的固定地标。||7:游客们从世贸中心遗址上的9.11纪念碑出发,顺着小山走上去和众多抗议者们其中的一些人合影留念。||8: 营地也吸引了一些怀有美好祝愿的支持者,包括Salman Rushdie、Susan Sarandon、 Naomi Wolf (本周被短暂拘留)等著名人物。 | ||1: In many cities (notably London, which has followed the example set by Occupy Wall Street in New York) the protesters have set up encampments that are meant to last indefinitely; in others they came and went. ||2: Defining where the wave of protests started is hard. ||3: Some point to Israel, where public unhappiness focused on the cost of food, housing and education. ||4: Spain’s indignados, or indignant ones, still going strong since their start in May, have a claim too. ||5: But the protesters’ brand (not a term they would all welcome) is most firmly linked to New York. ||6: Now in its second month, the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Zuccotti Park (protesters prefer the old name of Liberty Park) is already a fixture on the tourist circuit. ||7: Visitors can start at the 9/11 Memorial on the site of the World Trade Centre, then stroll up the hill for a picture with one of the hundreds of protesters. ||8: The camp also attracts well-wishers, including famous names like Salman Rushdie, Susan Sarandon and Naomi Wolf (who was briefly arrested this week). | |
25 | ||1:在新兴经济体,情形更是千差万别。||2:从委内瑞拉到中东,石油出口国都赚了,石油进口国将会看到更加恶化的贸易差额。||3:在08年和11年,油老大在新兴经济体的主要影响表现在通胀上。||4:现在就没那么担心了,这主要是因为,在新兴经济体消费篮子中比重剧增的食品价格比较稳定。 | ||1:In emerging economies the picture is even more disparate.||2:Oil exporters, from Venezuela to the Middle East, are gaining; oil importers will see worsening trade balances.||3:In 2008 and 2011, the main effect of dearer fuel in emerging economies was on inflation.||4:That is less of a worry now, largely because food prices, which make up a much bigger part of most emerging economies’ consumption basket, are stable. | |
26 | “读图时代”语文阅读教学的危机与走向 | The Crisis and Trend of Chinese Reading Instruction in the "Picture Era" | |
27 | “来这张图片中的旅店入住吧,”一个年轻的男子打着手势用印地语对着一个摄影师说到。 | "Get the hotel in the picture , " one young man said in Hindi as he posed, straight-faced, for a photographer. | |
28 | 把下面的要求同上面画中的人物联系起来, | 1a Match the requests with the people in the picture above. | |
29 | 不管有没有中国在里面,这些建议都非常具有说服力,而更好的是在中国崛起的情境下实施这些策略。 | Such proposals are persuasive with or without China in the picture , and it is well to reinforce them in the context of China’s rise. | |
30 | 成为一名杰出的人意味你不再平凡,你不再是生命之画的一颗黑点,而是闪耀的星星。 | Being great means that you are not average, you are not just a dot in the picture of life, you are a star. |